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Funding Options

A list of the funding options available for occupational therapy.

Did you know there are different funding options available to help with the cost of occupational therapy?

If you need further information on what your child may be eligible for, please don't hesitate to give us a call or use our contact form to send questions our way. 

Chronic Disease Management Plan

This is a referral from a general practitioner (GP). If eligible, this can provide your child with a referral to Limitless for up to 5 allied health sessions per calendar year. The referral gives you a rebate back of at least $58 per session. The therapist will communicate with your GP at the initial and final OT sessions. The rebate can be claimed through the app, online or in clinic.

Children of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Descent

The GP or paediatrician can provide a referral to Limitless Paediatric Occupational therapy for up to 5 sessions per calendar year from Medicare for people of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Descent. This is in addition to the 5 given for the Chronic Disease Management Plan. This enables a medicare rebate of approximately $50 per session.

Private Health Care Funds

Depending on your private health policy, you may be entitled to receive allied health support under your extras cover for your child’s occupational therapy sessions. The number, coverage and frequency of rebates varies between providers. Please check with your private health provider to see if your policy includes occupational therapy. Private health care rebates can be claimed using our HICAPS machine at the clinic or privately through your fund.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support to people with disability, their families and carers. If you have a disability that is likely to be permanent and significant you can receive yearly funding from the NDIS. The NDIS funds reasonable and necessary supports to help you reach your goals and take part in activities to increase your social and economic participation. We accept both self-managed and plan-managed participants. 

See more information on their website here:

If you have any questions about these funding types, please give our friendly admin a call or talk to your child's Occupational Therapist.

We would love to help your child access funding!

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